
Psychology | courses online - GeeK2ClouD

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 today we will talking about psychology courses online and how you Get a diploma in psychology,  firstly we will give a defintion for the  Psychology.

 Psychology is the science that studies aspects of human activity, which does not live in a vacuum but live in an environment of people and things and seeks to satisfy the organic and psychological needs - During his quest encountered physical and social barriers ....
and it is the scientific study of behavior With this in mind, the psychology describes the behavior - and try to explain and clarify the causes of behavior - (why it happens?) ... ..


 The subject is the human psychology of where he is living organism wants and feels and understands and get excited and remembers and learns and imagine and think and be patient, which in all that affected the society in which he lives.
 The psychology is that the science that tries to detect the laws and principles that explain the existing functional relationships between the interacting factors and intervening in any behavioral attitude which it aims to understand the behavior, control and predictable - as well as the application of psychological knowledge on humanitarian problems to try to solve ......


Finally the Psychology is the science that deals with the psychological phenomena internal and external aspects of self-objectivity integrated into an integrated unit which several rights and its tool to adapt to the environment.


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