bodybuilding : 10 golden tips to enter the world of bodybuilding - GeeK2ClouD
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10 golden tips to enter the world of bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is considered one of the greatest and oldest sports in the world. They are not the evolution of a person's health, but also make the body in the best possible way., As a beginner in the sport, you will increase your self-confidence a lot. Moreover it is suitable for everyone. This means that if you are 20 or 60 years old, man, or woman, you can do exercises bodybuilders and get the desired results, such as building muscle, lose fat, gain weight, or body sculpting. Also in contrast, it can be a bodybuilder and one of the hardest sports in the world as well. Do not expect to have to rehearse today in the morning, a body like the one owned by Schwarzenegger.
Incidentally been bodybuilding golden ticket for Schwarzenegger to fame and stardom. I have transformed it from a small boy, a newbie in bodybuilding, and is the one who grew up in an isolated village in Austria to become the best player Kamal world objects, and one of the most movie stars. Wow advantage a long way from the hard work of ending up from the novice to the sport of bodybuilding end of the governor of California. Can the same thing happen to you. why not ?
You can use bodybuilding to achieve anything you want. A lot of people are asking many of the descenders such as: How do I practice bodybuilding beginner? What is the best program I can follow it, and what kind of food should I take it? And other important questions that loves to anyone who wants to enter the world of bodybuilding to ask her.
Do not worry, in this matter I will answer your most common questions to demystify and clarify the picture for walking at a steady pace towards the professionalism of this game.
1. Determine the target
Defining the goal you want to achieve. Anyone can engage in bodybuilding, but each one of us made him special reasons chooses to exercise exercises bodybuilding.
Whatever the reason that made you follow the path of bodybuilding (fat loss, weight gain, muscle building, become a fitness model, become a bodybuilder professional, or just get in shape attractor) must specify the list of your goals before your trip as a beginner start in bodybuilding , whether you're a man or a woman.
2. Find the gym
As a beginner in the sport of bodybuilding, you must search for a gym across the area. It is better to go on foot for not making excuses not to go in later. Joe Hall plays an important role in achieving success because it motivates you to concentrate more in the exercises, which means better results.
Ask yourself: what is best for me? If you are a beginner in the sport of bodybuilding, select lounge where a lot of professionals exists, or at least those who have big muscles. Or join the lounge has a coach can help you get the goals.
3. Find a friend
Bodybuilding contain a lot of challenges. Not every novice bodybuilders can overcome these challenges. In fact 90% of the novices have not achieved their goals in the loss of fat build muscle, gain weight, get in shape attractor, and other targets. Why? The lack of support and motivation needed to continue the course of the struggle towards achieving the desired goal.
Only 10% of the players achieve their goals. Imagine a player bodybuilder beginner, you will succeed in achieving its goal if I trained without any help? Of course not, but it is not necessary to pay the costs of the personal trainer, for this reason, find a friend training helps you to move forward in order to continue to work to achieve your goals.
It is best to choose a friend who shares the same goals, and unless you have a large list of people to choose from deems best suited to accompany you in the lounge. The goal of the friend is getting support and spread the spirit of competition that you need to achieve your goal.
4. Get Help
You should seek help from sports experts. Many gyms offer personal services so that the coach gives you important information about your body type, which is owned, the type of food that must be dealt with, and the sports schedule that fits with your goals.
Also you should ask your doctor about your diet with poems about training to get comprehensive information from both sides, especially for women novices program, because they need very special care.
5. Find the right information
One of the most important steps that must be undertaken as a beginner in bodybuilding is to search for the right information.
Gather as much information about topics related to personal information such as nutrition, and how they affect your progress, and the nature of the body proper nutrition you type, and how and when to deal with powders bodybuilding.
Find a training program according to your goal, your body type, your sex: male or female.
All of this information will help you achieve your goals and develop.
6. correct outlook
Unfortunately it located 90% of beginners bodybuilding in the hoax phantom image that will transform the life of the practitioner in moments to the body is divided and beautiful. Misconception a workout and get immediate results the next day. After a few months of training, the player gets disappointed make him stop practicing or drift behind the supplements to gain muscle mass quickly, and this is very dangerous, especially for beginners, whether men or women of Kano.
If you want to see results, you must be patient, hard training, a proper diet and rest.
7. pain
Each of us has a daily activities carried out by the body continuously. When you add a new activity such as bodybuilding sport, the body will suffer for a while from this new activity and for this you will feel some pain after your application for the exercises. However, the impact of this pain will disappear after one or two weeks.
8. Food
Food is the most important elements that affect the desired results, and this shall be on every novice to change the method of handling of food. As we know The number of meals covered by the ordinary person is three meals a day. In contrast, when you log in to the world of bodybuilding will increase this number to up to six meals a day. This figure varies according to the weight of the person, the training program, the body type .... etc.
For success at this point, ask your doctor to help you determine your diet, based on the above elements above. Second, instead of eating three large meals, then divide them into six or seven small meals. Will face some difficulties in the beginning, but after a week, like you get used to it like any other player.
9. risk of injury
Most of the players bodybuilding, whether Kanu beginners or professionals suffer from various infections that affect different muscles and joints. In fact, this is a common point among all sports, but the rate of rise in the bodybuilding because of the tension and physical effort that is applied to the body when lifting weights .. injuries severe consequences for the player, which include: the loss of muscular acquisition, sleeping habits bad, and Emczurak player until the end of bodybuilding, and for this my advice to all novice patience, and hard training under the auspices of a sports expert and not to rush to lift heavy weights.
10. steroids and dietary supplements
Do not take any diet medication desire to get quick results. Always consult a doctor before buying any complementary given the disastrous results that may lead to the injury of the body including may have dire consequences.
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