The dangers of energy drinks - GeeK2ClouD
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The dangers of energy drinks
Known to the people by targeting of young people aged between 18-35 and that more than dangerous, because it targets the period of adolescence when peoples.
Many people think, especially young people in adolescence that energy drinks provide them with energy and vitality and activity, but they left serious damage, including :
Increased heart rate so that up to 150 per minute
Increase blood flow to the muscles
Water loss in the body by frequent urination due to the high level of caffeine which leads to dehydration
There are other serious symptoms but we're talking just about the importants.
That put some industrialized countries special legislation to limit the intake of energy drinks we find most important:
Oblige producers put a warning on the packaging casing about the negative effects on the overall health of the body effects
Not to sell them to those who are less than 16 years
Ban advertising of energy drinks in all promotional means
Prevent sold in educational establishments, government and health, gyms.
Among the countries that have prevented these energy drinks:
Canada - Australia - Norway - Denmark - Malaysia - Thailand - In France, there are in pharmacies
The research of Doermer was presented during the Annual Conference of the Radiological Society of North America at McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. Recounting the methodology that went into the research, Doermer’s team took cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of 18 healthy volunteer subjects (15 men and three women and their average age is 27.5 years old.) The subjects were given energy drinks which contained taurine (400 mg/100 ml) and caffeine (32 mg/100 ml.)
After one hour of consuming the energy drinks the researchers took another MRI scans and noticed a significant increase in heart contractions among the subjects. The MRI results show there was an added strain on the systolic rates in the left ventricle of the subjects’ hearts. The left ventricle of the heart is the one that receives oxygenated blood that came from the lungs. The ventricle then pumps it to the aorta whose responsibility is to transport the blood all over the body.
The findings are relevant according to the researchers. For healthy people this may not sound too alarming and may not be a problem at all but for people with known or unknown heart disease the findings could be problematic and dangerous, Doermer said. He also said that increased caffeine consumption is not also recommended for children because this might cause arrhythmias. The researchers claim that the amount of caffeine in ordinary energy drinks is three times higher than those found in other beverages like coffee or cola.
Thus, continuous and prolonged consumption of energy drinks with caffeine can lead to heart complications and may put these people at risk. Doermer said that the side effects associated with continuous caffeine consumption can include palpitations, increase in blood pressure, increase in heart rate, seizures or worst of all-sudden death. Doermer also clarified that more studies should be conducted in order to fully understand the effects of caffeine on the body and the heart.
Finally we wish that this issue receives as you like it and we are waiting for your comments
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