
Bodybuilding : All of bodybuilding - GeeK2ClouD

1.What is the bodybuilding sport?

Bodybuilding or bodybuilding is a sport for lifting heavy weights with a periodic increase in the weights. And in order to increase muscle mass and improve the appearance of the body and strengthen the joints and ligaments. Some of the trainees practicing the sport in order to participate in tournaments, and they are professional players and most of them deal steroids and hormones. And there are those who practiced the sport in order to improve the appearance of the body and weight gain or burn fat. Also, most professional athletes in all sports practice exercises lifting heavy weights in its various forms. Unfortunately, the media in Egypt, highlighting the public only the private part of professional players, and promote the sport of bodybuilding sport stimulants and hormones. Also, the media and the press confuse hormones and natural supplements. Understanding see that Wi protein and Alcyrias diamonds like tostesron and  Dika !.

2.The history of bodybuilding


Bodybuilding traced back to the ancient Greeks and the Pharaohs. Where the Greeks are trained in the "gym", a Greco-word that means "Naked place." The Greeks and raise heavy weights for the training of sports that they practice and not in order to increase muscle.

Top woman trainees Greeks was a wrestler named "Milo" and says the sports history books he was carrying a large buffalo on his back and he walks long distances in order to increase muscle strength.

And in the eighteenth century in Europe, bodybuilding has spread due to the proliferation of tournaments and championships power lifting weights.
The beginning of the sport Kamal modern objects with Eugen Sandow:


In the mid-nineteenth century bodybuilding it began to spread as a way to build muscle. And it became famous Eugen Sandow (born in 1867) in Britain. Eugene was possessed a strong and attractive body and his body was showing in theaters in order to entertain viewers.

Although that people were going to watch the presentations strength and lifting heavy weights, but Eugene offers to highlight the attractive body with a large muscle mass proved that people prefer to watch the bodies of muscular watching Offers force.

And Eugene took advantage of its strength in the sale of sports tools and manufacturing products bearing his name. So that the image was sold thousands of dollars.

3.Benefits of bodybuilding

David Beckham practiced an exercise bench Press :


The benefits greatly exceed the bodybuilding simply increasing muscle mass. As the sport of bodybuilding benefit children and the elderly. So it's almost necessary for elderly women.

    Man loses muscle mass and bone density with age. And bodybuilding and lifting heavy weights reflect this process.
    Sport lifting weights increases bone density. Whenever weights and increased loads on the bones and ligaments and joints, the greater the strength of the ligaments and bones. This helps in the fight against osteoporosis
    Bodybuilding exercises help fight chronic diseases. He raised heavy weights helps to combat the symptoms of diabetes and heart and the fight against obesity and rheumatism
    Increase muscle mass prevents diabetes. When muscles are increasing these muscles to withdraw the excess sugar from the blood, which means greater control over blood sugar levels
    Iron exercises for seniors help to stimulate the brain and nervous system and increase strength and balance, making them shed to help young people in the movement
    .aldrasat Proved that bodybuilding exercises help to improve mood and combat stress, depression and improve focus
    And these are just examples of the benefits of bodybuilding for all ages. And not a full endless. And still studies and research to prove every year more benefits to bodybuilding exercises

4.How to start bodybuilding career

Many novices commit the common mistake not to develop a plan, and not to set a goal. Most Arab trainees go to the gym and practicing random. This leads to very disappointing results and cause hatred in the gym at the same novice. You must work long-term plan and the plan is divided into phases.

You must measure the percentage of body fat and muscle mass and weight, weight. Until there is a clear path and a specific goal you walk on it.

You must take the arm sizes and Alafajad and chest circumference and shoulder and, of course, review these sizes of each month

You should take an initial images you from the front and side and rear. In the development of comfort and put muscle twitch
The second step is to choose a gym. Preferably in the gym the following:

    But contrary to the ladies dates with appointments
    To be close to you so as not to drag their heels on the Go
    Be reasonable expenses
    To have most of its hardware is free iron (iron Municipal)
    To be its cage Squat (squat).

Other tips are very important:

    You must have a paper to write down the weights that play out, or you can download the software on your phone, such as JEFIT or Gymbuddy
    Preferably buy a bag of C and take with you a towel and a water bottle
    Preferably buy a light cotton clothes for exercise and workout shoes have a slim heel. Stay away from thick running shoes because they weaken the momentum of your feet and reduce your balance.
    Never stop learning and reading nutrition articles and training

5.General Introduction to Nutrition Bodybuilding:

All kinds of food consist of the following:

    Saturated fats
    Unsaturated fats
    Vitamins, minerals, salts


To get 60 grams of protein issuance chicks must eat 200 grams chicks. In other words, the 200 grams chicks is not equal to 200 grams protein.

And by 4 grams protein calories and grams of carbohydrates has 4 calories and fat grams by 9 calories

This means that the 100 grams of the issuance of chicks by 31 grams protein * 4 kcal +4 grams fat * 9 kcal = 165 calories

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