
Nokia 888 : all informations of Nokia 888 - GeeK2ClouD

All informations of Nokia 888

nokia 888

Imagine a cell phone damage it around your wrist! Or fold it!

This may be a figment of the imagination, but Nokia managed to heart all the concepts related to the world of mobile phones by offering a new concept in high-tech manufacturing and high technology simple to use through put forward a new phone "Nokia 888"

It is the kind of personal entertainment for those who need for those types of phones, where we see the strangest Telephone Nokia in the world, which is phone the most action in the hands of its owner in all respects, there is a possibility to put on the hand like a clock, or curtailed and attach until it becomes a small piece, in addition to It is easy to carry anywhere, at any time and in any way the user wants according to his needs during the day or night,

Sometimes the fold on the wrist and sometimes does tilt it in any way he wants, and move it anywhere, so it possible to put on the clothes pin, easy programming and development, touch, has a wonderful clarity LCD screen and contrast of colors, and the thickness of the device does not exceed 5 mm in making any contact, you can convert it to a regular phone,

With the possibility of discrimination relating to voice and show on the screen, and the possibility of color control, battery liquid type batteries, the device specifications: Alarm PDA, GPS, and finally Live Video Chat.

The designer of this device got the most beautiful design of the 2005 award, which is sexual Turki called Tamer Nakisci, and at the age of 24 years old, from Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts in Istanbul, Turkey, and adopted by Nokia's Finnish for manufactured by under the Nokia name

nokia 888

Nokia Aeon

Mobile Nokia Aeon Nokia 888

Mobile Nokia Aeon Nokia 888

Mobile Nokia Aeon Nokia 888

He explains that the design of the Nokia began to focus on designs products that allow users to bring their personality to the devices. The new phone combines two working screen, is Turkibama on the power unit, have been integrated electronics outlets and delivery of the phone in sections so as to allow the use of both of them separately, and when Turkibama together, the two parts will become a screen and the other panel buttons. Because the buttons are completely virtual, you can turn the keyboard to become numbers to call or letters to enter texts and writing letters or buttons to control the media player.

nokia 888

It reveals this new innovative design from Nokia Nokia to visualize the shape and functions of the future phones and see which devices they will be "Mrtdah", where you can remove any of the parts and the like Turkibama hourly or worn Kbadj or other functions while retaining phone strap. Phone functions not only limited to voice dialing and making calls and sending short messages, but can connect to wireless networks to transfer data that is obtained from the probes and sensors, such as devices that monitor the health status of a user, which is one of the areas of use that it wanted Nokia technology "and Liberian Wibree" new wireless recently announced.

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