
iCloud : Everything you want to know about the iCloud service - GeeK2ClouD

iCloud : Everything you want to know about the iCloud service
This service is kept and stored what you have audio files, video clips, images, software, applications and notebook, documents, books and your email messages and a lot of other data and information.


iCloud service, play a much greater role of the hard disk role in the device saves data and information, they Besides being a service to save information and files away from your device are at your fingertips wherever you are and whenever you want.

It is intended to "cloud" here is "servers" (servers) company "Apple" specifically set up to Appstore this vast amount of data for all employees of the company and sizes of large capacity of each cell takes the user to store data.

Repository of information for all your devices

Can store what you want from the files on the "cloud" both programs download from Appstore any documents, photographs and videos files or archive e-mail and other ... all of these things can save them on "the cloud" for free.

Once you store any information via the iCloud service it will be accessible to any device registered with your name from Apple devices. For example, you can store the images taken by the iPhone, but you soon as you turn the iPad device which is also owned by, you can see these images in your cell on the "cloud." The same applies for your iPod Touch.

Another example: You may reading a book on the "cloud" by your iPad, and then you can continue reading through the iPhone and you'll find that the book is open on the same page, which left them in the iPad device.

No strange thing is, Vmelv book, the dictum as an example, does not exist in the iPhone memory nor in the iPad's memory, but it is in your own preservation cell and on the "cloud" ie "servers" company "Apple" and you are of course connected to this "servers" Once the hardware manufactured by a company owned by the "Apple", which as well as through personal computer and PC computer Mackintosh via the internet.


The size of personal storage cell in iCloud

Some may wonder about the available storage capacity of cell free for each user from the users of devices, "Apple", and the answer is that conservation cell on the "cloud" allocated to each individual capacity is 5 GB but .... You can never be kept audios obtained from non-shop "iTunes" place, and if you are reluctant and want to store Mazovatk, you reservation first on your device and after being iCloud survey of the contents of your device will be your best this special audio files transferred to the "cloud" in addition to files another voice is not from a store "iTunes" in exchange for paying for storage service, a rental of memory on the cloud of the annual rental value of $ 24.99.

As for the rest of the files, Vbusak stored without any hindrance on the "cloud" provided it does not increase the overall size of about 5 GB, this includes all types of files of pictures and videos, documents and programs, and so on.

Since the image files are considered heavy files, has decided to "Apple" to deal with them in special ways so as not occupies the bulk of allocated to each individual and to make room capacity to store other files, and this kept the pictures on two conditions: first, that is not the more than a thousand pictures, and the second is not to conservation beyond the one month period.

In case the number of images A picture of the new image will take the place of an image preserved before. This is in terms of numbers. The month after the Save the image they automatically disappear. You must save any images for a longer duration in other media, such as USB or hard drive of your computer or the like.

Important notice must be taken into consideration, it is that the storage (5 GB) will not be affected stores what you buy apps, books and audios through the shops "Apple" like "Appstore" and iBook and "iTunes." These files will not be counted within the allocated quota of storage for free.

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