
Mackintosh : Everything about him - GeeK2ClouD

The Mackintoch

 Everything about the Macintosh operating system mac

The most beautiful thing in the world of computing is changing and evolving, which gets a result of the big shift that led to the technical development that took place today in the world of computers .... We see the large number of multiple operating systems that run the computer each of which is characterized by something from the other, we see Linux operating systems is characterized in stability and the degree of safety that exist in it, on the other hand there
Mac system, which originally followed the world-famous company Apple, and is characterized as more linux, but what sets it apart is its shape attractive and sleek, in particular infrastructure that this system was established in order to enjoy a dazzling attractive ....... Today, let us take the idea about this system, which he considers majority system is unknown, especially in Arab countries and the cause of the first class that the system works with Apple computers company only, but this problem has manifested itself now in late 2006, the Director of Apple Steve Jobs announced that a subsidiary of the operating system will work on Intel deployed processors dramatically in the world.


The definition of the operating system in general

The operating system is a program that is responsible for hardware resources and computer management software, the operating system of basic tasks such as the management and allocation of computer resources (memory, hard disk, access to peripheral devices attached, etc.), the order of priority to deal with the command, control input and output devices, facilitating networking, and managing files.

About manufacturer Apple

This company was established by Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976, after Apple Computer Apple ahead of the market which has been developed and will enable them to sell him a large number exceeded what they could expect. So we then developed this computer and put on the market as the Apple II computer, which was the first full computers operable.
And I chose to devices Apple I, Apple II Motorola Technology 6502 and his processor a display 8-bit because it was cheaper than the other processor Intel 8088 and thanks to the voice and data capabilities colored Apple II computer been popular on the amateur level and educational institutions. Since this computer adopts the principle of open system architecture that structural open systems means success through panting companies to manufacture and sell products and cards for this computer has increased. Visicalc program which is the first program of electronic spreadsheets to run on the Apple II computer, making large and small companies acquire this computer has been developed.
After that the company's computer Apple-III made in 1980, but carry several errors were not compatible with the computer Apple II or with its software posing harm to the company, allowing for IBM launched her computer personal PC in 1981, according to an open architecture to flourish and gain advanced positions on Apple Inc. . Then, in 1983, the company's Lisa computer, which was the first computer carries a graphic interface addresses with the use of the mouse, icons and dialogue boxes and menus fired. However, the high price has prevented its spread.
In 1984 the company macintosh, which included most of the computer Lisa features with some improvements introduced, however, his memory were not exceed 128k and was slow in addition to the small screen and its dependence on the structural enclosed which deflected computer from the companies that make accessories of software cards and thus removed the popularity of this device. However regulations put forward by the company after it like macintosh SE provider HDD and macintosh II, who returned to the open structural adoption has been renewed vitality of the company, but it can not restore lost prestige and occupied by IBM. In 1991, the company's two computers and two macintosh classic macintosh LC produced but low profit margins of the two led to a decline in the company's profits. In 1992, the company completed the shortfall in their products by issuing Notebook computer power book. However it can not be forgotten favored this company in the development of computer technologies accessible to everyone.


What mac system?
It is run like Windows and Unix system issued by the Apple computer company since 2001 and works on PowerPC processors and Intel processors recently (in late 2006), based on a BSD system, which is a form of Unix systems in addition to Almaj Maekeruquernl.
After this definition of the Mac system are some questions that might be raised?
What is BSD?
It is the first letters of a phrase or "distro Berkeley Software" (sometimes called Berkeley Unix). It is a form of LINUX systems that has been developed and the development of related tools by the University of California at Berkeley in the seventies of the last century, if it is operating the computer systems, referred today to BSD for a range of operating systems, which divided it up.
BSD is usually preceded by the version number, for example, 4.3 BSD 4.3 is the version number of versions of Unix from Berkeley. Many providers of network services and servers running BSD systems and BSD system is one of the most important ancestors commercial Unix systems.
And BSD and similar systems such as Linux distributions are different is a set of software, developed by experts at the University of California at Berkeley and the goal was to use as a package-added programs to the previous versions of the AT & T Unix system, then the development of BSD system began 386BSD project, which was designed to run a copy of the Asaddart BSD Unix on proprietary hardware from IBM.
Historically, BSD is the first system that provides support for networks, but it grew by a group of academics has received considerable attention. And examined thousands of student interns, as well as the system turned into a work environment, is one of the most stable and consistent among all operating systems used in the world. It also criticizes the users of BSD windows system, considering it a failed system deserves attention, because it is a set colorful temptations and some of the stolen software from university students and small businesses of bankrupt enterprises. The LINUX systems based on common basic ideas with BSD, which is a specification Unix systems, the users and developers of BSD systems share with them many of the software, because both are considered one of the software open source, both a highly sophisticated forms of LINUX systems, but takes supporters BSD that programming packages Linux systems are not subject to the same amount of inspections and tests, which are subject to the same or other packages used in BSD in terms of compatibility with other packages systems also criticizes the lack of centralized software development process under Linux systems.


What PowerPC processors?
PowerPC processors are PowerPC processors produced by a coalition of both IBM Corp. and Apple and Motorola, Inc., and in the year 1991 and are based on RISC architecture
And it is short for Reduced Instruction Set Computing, or Simplified Accounting Help Group, and the idea of ​​these processors on the effectiveness and speed of processing small groups and simple instructions.

What are the advantages of this system from the other?

Mac system differs from other operating systems, among other things, the most important of these things that the operating system in Mac consists of departments working together consensus and harmony, in 7.0 of the most important departments of this system:
1- Event Manager (Event Management)
It is a self operating, you do not need to definitions and to the players.
2- Menu Manager (Menu Manager), a self-operating, too, which is responsible for the menus and everything related (mouse pressure in any list, for example, or recognize the key opens a menu or run component of its elements .. etc ..)
3- Window Manager (Manage your windows), a self-operating, too, which is responsible for any window displays on the screen or be invisible and everything related to popups.
4- Control Manager (Control Manager by clicking on a control and control instruments), a self-operating well.
5- Dialog Manager (Manager dialog boxes) which is also operating a self ..
Even the on-screen menus and the windows and dialog boxes, all the management of previous administrations used the graphic management of the neighborhood they are solely responsible for anything displayed on the screen. So in the Mac system, different from the rest of the systems.
6- QuickDraw Managers (drawing district administrations) which is mentioned in the previous point.
There are a lot of other departments ..
The first point that the advantage of the Macintosh are: the nature of the file in the Mac system.


The development of Mac OS X (mac Systems)
Continued development of the Macintosh operating system version 7.0 up to version 7.7 in 1995 .. The system has doubled in size to 7.7 up to almost ten times the size of the 7.0 system. , And when he released a copy of Windows 95 was similar to Balmakintuh no small extent, making Apple Macintosh issued system known as Copland (Copland) which is version 8.0,
That was in 1996. Of course in this system has been the establishment of new departments such as the Department of History (Appearance Manager), and this administration added through one system extensions, it is possible to remove it and then return it to the system, you have to see how it was Mac easy to separate management system departments and then bring them back without the occurrence of any problems .. featured a host of new departments in Copeland, which is known as the departments of carbon (Carbon Mangers) the reason for the emergence of these departments that Copland operating system changed the windows forms and methods of use and the menus and methods of use (I mean add her some features) and controls and dialog boxes as well and even event management changed as well, and many of the other departments have changed .. not Apple cha cancel previous administrations that I mentioned own popups and graphic menus etc .. and replace them entirely, but Carbon name launched on these new departments started As follows:
Carbon Event Manager
Carbon Menu Manager
Carbon Window Manager
Carbon Control Manager
Carbon Dialog Manager
Etc etc ...
These departments and carbon in the 8.0 system (Copeland) was in the same private system Appendix B Appearance with both last called Earbon extension, if they are present in the 8.0 system, they ask the system to stop the work of the original standard departments and replace them are, and if you do not not exist, the system will record the original departments.
It is worth mentioning that these departments can work on the 7.0 system and any other version of System 7 .. whereupon off the original system departments also replace them in the same way ..
And continued development of carbon departments until the advent of X Tiger 10.4. - While the original standard departments stopped development since the advent of the system Copland.-
When we say a program that Carboni any program that uses carbon departments, that deals directly and immediately with the main system departments in the System X Whatever the version number., Because the system X has a standard original departments but it is not a priority, but is still in order congruence and compatibility and harmony only !.
Since the issuance of 8.5 operating system, known as Gershon was adopted carbon departments have priority over standard departments to this day.


What are the minimum requirements to download the Mac?

You need to:
Macintosh computers or Intel processor (the latter recently)
64 MB memory preferably 128 megabytes
Space on the hard disk the size of 1 GB
Built tablets CD_ROM drive fast or faster 16
Color screen VGA video card 16 is preferred to be at least 32

What versions of the Mac operating system?

Several versions were issued for MAC OS X, which can be categorized as follows:
1- Mac OS X (Cheetah) 10.0, which was released in March 2001
2- Mac OS X (Puma) 10.1, which was released in September 2001
3- Mac OS X (Jaguar) 10.2, which was released in August 2002
4- Mac OS X (Panther) 10.3, which was released in October 2003
5- Mac OS X (Tiger) 10.4, which was released in April 2005

Some special programs Pal MAC

The program issued by the private Microsoft Pal MAC

Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.2 Update

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Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.1

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There are many special programs Mac operating system issued by the company or from other companies such as Macrosowic we will address them on the subject of another God on Mac programs

I hope that I have made even a small idea of ​​the mac operating system of the giant company

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